1. 經常使用首先語
Further to my letter to you on (date) | 我在(日期)給你 翻譯信,相信已收到/ 我曾在(日期)發信給你,相信已收到 |
I am pleased to inform you that ... | 我很喜悅通知你……/ …… 特此通知/ ……謹此通知 |
I refer to my earlier/previous letter of (date) informing you ... | 我曾於(日期)寫信給你,通知你…… |
I refer to your letter dated (date) | (日期)的來信收悉/ 你在(日期)寄來的信,已收到 |
I refer to your letter of (date) addressed to (somebody) which has been referred to me/ this office for reply | 你在(日期)寫給(或人)的信件,已轉交本人/ 本署答複/ 你在(日期)給(或人)的來信已收到,該信現已轉交本人/ 本署答複 |
I write to inform you that ... | ……謹此通知 |
(somebody) has asked me to reply yo your letter dated (date) | 本人現遵循(或人)的叮囑,就你(日期) 翻譯來信答複以下 |
(somebody) has directed me to reply on his/ her behalf | 本人現謹遵(或人)的叮囑代為回覆 |
Thank you for your letter of (date) | 你(日期)的來信已經收到/ (日期)的來信收悉/ (日期)的來信已收到,謝謝 |
Thank you for your letter of (date) addressed to (somebody) who has authorized me to reply on his/ her behalf | 你在(日期)給(或人) 翻譯來信已收到 翻譯社(或人)現授權我代為答複 |
Thank you for your letter of (date) to (somebody) which has referred to me for reply | 你在(日期)給(或人) 翻譯信,現已轉交本人答複 |
This is to certify | 現證實/…… 此證 |
This letter serves to give you an official notice | 寫這封信的目 翻譯,是正式通知你…… |
Your letter dated (date) refers | 你(日期)的來信已收到/(日期)來信收閱 |
2. 正文經常使用語
according to your letter | 憑據來信所述 |
approval has been given | (有關部分)已核准 |
as far as we are aware | 就我們所知/ 據我們所知 |
as from the date of this letter | 由本信發出日期起計 |
as stated in my previous letter of (date) | 正如我在(日期)的信件所說 |
as you are aware | 相信你已知道 |
as you are well aware | 相信你也清晰知道 |
as you know | 相信你也知道 |
as you may be aware | 你也許知道/ 你大概已知道 |
at your request | 徇你的要求/ 應你 翻譯要求/ 徇請 |
consideration is now being given to ... | 我們現正考慮 |
I regret that ... | ……特別很是負疚/ ……謹此致歉 |
it has come to my notice that ... | 我得知……/ 我留意到…… |
let you know | 通知你/ 奉告你 |
please be advised that ... | 現謹通知你 |
please be informaed that ... | ……謹此告知/ ……特此通知 |
please be reminded that ... | 請你注重 |
please note that ... | 請注意 |
your attention is drawn to | 請你留意 |
your request cannot be acceded to | 你提出的要求,未能照辦/ 不能應承所請 |
3. 經常使用結尾語
I am sorry that I cannot be more helpful | 我不能賜與其他協助,謹此道歉/ 十分抱歉 |
if/ should you have any queries/ enquiries | 如有疑問/ 若有查詢 |
look forward to meeting you | 等候與你會面 |
look forward to your early reply | 進展你能早日作覆 |
please approach (somebody) | 請向(或人)查詢 |
please call (somebody) | 請致電(某人) |
please contact (somebody) | 請與(或人)聯絡 |
please do not hesitate to contact (somebody) | 請隨時與(或人)聯絡 |
please feel free to contact (somebody) at/on (telephone number) | 請隨時撥電(德律風號碼)與(或人)聯絡 |
thank you for bringing the matter to my attention | 你將此事見告我,謹此稱謝/ 承你見告,謹此致謝 |
thank you for your attention | 你對此事存眷,謹此道謝/ 有勞你為此事勞神,謹此申謝 |
the matter is being looked into | 我們/ 本署現正研究有關事宜/ 我們/ 本署已著手處置懲罰此事 |
the matter is receiving attention | 我們/ 本署現正處置懲罰/打點此事/ 我們/ 本署現已著手處理/解決此事 |
4. 附註
attention [attn.] | 請交……/ 煩交……/ 請交……辦理/ 煩交……管理/ 經辦人 |
blind carbon copy [b.c.c.] | 特殊副本送:……(正文並無註錄) |
by fax | 傳真文件/ 傳真函件 |
by hand | 專遞文件/ 專人送交/ 專人送遞/ 面交 |
by registered mail | 掛號函件 |
carbon copy ... for information [c.c. ... f.i.] | 副本送……備考 |
carbon copy [c.c] | 副本送:…… |
care of [c/o] | 轉交/ 這信由……轉交 |
confidential | 秘要 |
distribution list | 分發名單 |
enclosure [encl.] | 附件 |
for information [f.i] | 以供參閱/ 備考 |
Our ref.: | 本署檔號: |
postscript[P.S] | 附言 |
recorded delivery | 記實派遞 |
restricted | 限閱文件/ 內部文件 |
secret | 高度機密 |
top secret | 絕對機密 |
urgent | 急件 |
urgent by fax | 傳真急件 |
urgent by hand | 專遞急件 |
very urgent | 特急件 |
with enclosure [w/encl.] | 連附件 |
without enclosure [w/o encl.] | 不連附件 |
Your ref.: | 來函/ 來件/ 來文檔號: |
5. 職銜及稱呼
Acting Governor | 代理總督 |
Branch Secretaries | 各科首長/ 各科司級人員 |
Deputy to the Governor | 代辦署理總督 |
Governor | 總督 |
Officer-in-charge [O i/c] | 主管人員 |
policy secretary | 決策科首長/ 決策科司級官員 |
subject officer | 負責人員 |
To whom it may concern | 給有關人士/ 致有關人士 |